Friday, July 22, 2016

Kentucky Warbler

A sudden flash of yellow appeared from the tall oak tree near my back porch.  It streaked across the yard and disappeared in the green leaves of the Cleveland pear tree.  My eyes held fast to the tree, waiting for the presumed bird to reappear.  Rarely do I see a yellow bird in my yard during summer so I was quite curious about this one.  With my camera and super zoom lens ready for action, I waited...and waited.  Several minutes passed with no sighting.

A bit later I returned to my usual bird watching spot on the back porch.  Several cardinals and blue jays were at the feeders and on the ground below.  I sat straight up when that flash of yellow again appeared from the green leaves of the pear tree.  I hurriedly snapped several shots of the small jewel while given the chance.  For only seconds, the little visitor curiously watched other birds at the feeders directly below,  It quickly twisted and turned on the branch as it glanced back and forth, up and down.  Then, it was gone.  Just like that.  

Anxious to find out what species of bird it was, I was soon on my computer doing an online search. It didn't take long to convince me that this is a Kentucky Warbler.  A check with one of my bird enthusiast friends confirmed my guess, and stated it appeared to be a female. A couple of defining characteristics of this warbler species is the definitive yellow eyebrow and dark sideburns.   

The Kentucky Warbler breeds from southern Iowa and eastern Kansas east to New Jersey, and south from eastern Texas to Georgia. It spends winters in the tropics from central Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula south. During migration, it may be recorded farther west. Preferred habitats include low, moist, rich woodlands with luxuriant undergrowth.

Maybe I'll get lucky and see a little more of her.  I'll be looking!