Saturday, July 26, 2014

Blanket Flowers: Bright & Colorful

One of the brightest spots on my front porch this summer is the pot of Blanket Flowers, or Gaillardia Aristata. The bright orange-pink petals with intense yellow tips draws attention from bees and butterflies. Blanket Flower gets its name in areas where fields are filled with them because they "blanket" the field in blooms. They have also been called Indian flowers and Firewheels.  

Blanket flowers are related to Sunflowers, Daisies, and Asters.  Their large, long-lasting blooms grow up to 4 inches across. Bi-colored flowers include orange, red, and yellow. Flowers bloom from early summer to fall, if spent blooms are deadheaded.  These beauties are great in or along fields and in butterfly gardens. They're also good for cuttings. Blanket flowers are easy to grow perennials.  They like full sun and are drought tolerant- important when one lives close to the southern coast.  

I hope everyone enjoys their Saturday.  I plan to do some heavy cleaning indoors. Lately I've neglected my usual household chores because I've spent more time outdoors (where I'd rather be).  Everything is now piling up so I must, I must, I must do some cleaning, like it or not.  Maybe I'll finish in time to catch the late evening hummingbird show on my front porch :)


  1. They're very pretty flowers, and it looks like the bees like them too.
    Have a good weekend.

    1. Thank you and I hope your weekend is good as well.

  2. Susan, your Gallardia's are very attractive in many ways.

    BTW my 'to do list' gets longer every day!!

    1. Thanks, Frank. It's probable that many of us have the same problem there!

  3. i love these beauties, too. they grow wild here in may into june.

    1. I haven't yet seen wild ones around here. I can only imagine how beautiful a field of them would be.

  4. i try to only clean when it's raining or snowing!!! i do my "heavy" cleaning in the winter and try to ignore the dust in summer.

    your images are really beautiful, i just love the way certain blooms are highlighted!!!

    1. Good idea, Debbie. Thanks for visiting. Have a great Sunday!
