Good afternoon everyone! I know it's been a while since I've posted anything here. I have missed both writing my posts and reading yours. Another project has kept me pretty tied up lately. I haven't been taking many photos lately, so nothing new to post here. However, I'm behind on posting my summer snapshots. Like these- taken a few months back, shortly after the rat snake invaded the Red-bellied Woodpeckers nest in this tree. A Northern Flicker decided to investigate the nest site and spent several hours going back and forth to it. Was he considering raising a family in this spot? I prayed not, for fear of a repeat snake attack. (These shots taken at a distance with my old 300 mm zoom lens, so the results aren't tack-sharp)
He checked the spot out thoroughly, scoping the scene in all directions. Eventually he crawled inside the hole and sat there for several minutes. Fortunately, he decided the spot wasn't suitable enough and left. I haven't seen him at this tree since.
I love the feather patterns and colors of Northern Flickers- so pretty. They're even more beautiful in flight when the bright yellow (or red, depending on species) underside of their wings are visible.
Hope your Thursday is going well. Thank you for peeping in!